Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Long Time No Post

My brother Randy recently gave me a nudge to get back on here and do some updating. My last post shared exciting news of Aaron getting engaged to Kelly Benson. There were other great things going on that months as well.....

my nephew Brandon Guthrie had his Missionary Farewell, leaving for the Mission Training Center and then on to Bolivia.
Ian hit the one-year-mark of his mission in Billings, Montana and celebrated his 21st birthday with one of his favorite companions, Elder Matt Vroom.
By then he was using the Montana/Wyoming lingo, saying things like Pertnear, Use-ta-could, and I Reckon. Hahaha! Our nephew Kevin was on his mission in Poland.

And Jim and I were enjoying having Nicholas living at home again. He'd been living in Santa Barbara for five years and moved home for a while to pay off debts and save some money.