Friday, June 26, 2009

Ian's Going to be A Missionary

When Ian turned in his paperwork to be a missionary, he had high hopes of living in a foreign country and learning a new language. After two weeks of waiting, he got the letter announcing where he'll be going and when he'll leave. Ian and Leah met Jim on his UPS route. With grandparents and brothers listening on the phone, Ian read his 2-year assignment.

Ian will report to the Mission Training Center in Utah on August 26th, 2009. He'll be serving in the Billings, Montana Mission - English Speaking.
Although Ian is a bit disappointed that he won't have the experience of living outside the country, he realizes that he will always receive his mail, he won't have to live in confusion for months while learning a new language, and he won't have to get used to eating strange food. He's mostly relieved to finally get going with this part of his life.


scooping it up said...

the best part about a mission call is knowing that there is some person in Montana that specifically needs Ian and that is why the Lord needs him there. His job is to find that person. what a great challenge! We are so proud of you!

Randy said...

Way to go Ian. As far as I'm concerned, Montana is as foreign as any place I can think of! The good part is that you can start teaching and being part of the team immediately instead of waiting a year to learn the language before you can start making a real contribution. Great hair pics too. Jarom had a series of missionary pics, some of which included Staci vamping it up with her arms around his neck, etc. We are so excited for you!

Uncle Randy

Jarom and Melissa said...

Sweet. Congrats.


Maegan said...

hooray! I bet you will find some foreign foods in Montana- moose? beaver? who knows? The mission adventure is going to be awesome!

Jarom and Melissa said...

Congratulations! That's exciting. I know Montana doesn't sound like much, but I'm sure it's the exact right place for Ian. My brother got called to Des Moines, Iowa while all his friends were called to foreign lands, but he had the best experience. Good look with all the preparations. We're happy for you.

Leah said...

Thank you everyone for your great messages of congrats, support and encouragement. As Ian learns about his upcoming mission, he is getting excited. From what it sounds like, he'll have to hang on to his feathers and hat, he's about to have quite a Cowboy and Indian adventure! And this will be his first experience in the snow. Good thing he doesn't mind being cold. Last winter it got 65 below zero! I didn't know it could get that cold in the U.S.

Allie Thornbrue said...

It's got to be better than Salt Lake, right? Very attractive hair.